Monday, May 14, 2007

More than a mother...

Yesterday I heard a talk on being a mother. I was reluctant to even go to church because I really didn't want to hear another sermon on the glories of motherhood, or the trials of motherhood, or the duties of motherhood. Been there, done that, don't measure up. But I went, and I sat and waited. One of the pastors wives was given the task of presenting the Mother's Day talk. She's about 50 and the mother of 6 grown children. She has a lot of experience and good sense of humor. She has had some real challenges as a parent, and has kids who do not fit the mold of what a PK should be. She and her husband have dealt with it all graciously- including the bright pink mohawk their youngest sported for awhile. (The young man got dubbed "My Little Pony" by his friends because his hair reminded them of the My Little Pony manes!)

I was pleased that Phyllis would be the speaker and I wasn't disappointed. I wasn't disappointed because she didn't talk about the glories, the duties, or the trials of motherhood. She talked about who we are as women. She included all women: single, married, divorced, childless or with "full quivers." Motherhood, she said, is only part of our identity. We are first and foremost children of God and brides of Christ. We have unique talents and gifts, and although motherhood can and will take a lion's share of our time for a season, we should never forget that we are more than mothers, it is only one of our callings in life. We need to be whole people.

I realize I've said nothing new or profound. But I liked hearing this from "the pulpit" as it were. On Mother's Day. I liked that the woman talking had raised six children to adulthood and was now thriving in her "empty nest" life. She homeschooled her children until high school and devoted herself in her role as mother, yet retained an identity outside of that role. In fact, she's managed to maintain an identity outside of her role as pastor's wife, too. She's truly a well-balanced person.

None of us can wait until "later" to achieve a well-balanced life. We need to work on it all the time. As children grow and leave home, and our roles change, we can flex and change with it. We can, that is, if we have been careful to take a little time to keep our whole identities intact.

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